Washington Healthcare-Blog


Washington Healthcare and Apollo Hospitals has signed an…

Washington Healthcare plc is thrilled to announce a ground breaking 10-year partnership with Apollo Hospitals Enterprise, a globally recognized healthcare company based in India with a stellar…

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The purchase of Beshale Hotel

Pleased to announce the purchase of Beshale Hotel Building in Gurd Shola area at 335M ETB by WashHealthcare. We will invest 700M ETB more to convert it to a state of the art…

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Sinopharm # COVID19 vaccines

Washington Medical Center & Meditech received the first shipment of 200,000 doses of 2,000,000 #Sinopharm #COVID19 vaccines earlier today, however late. WMC will exclusively administer these…

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Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness…

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